Autumn...Nippy Evenings, Pakoras & Toe Socks ! :)

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Now That's A Global Village !

"If the world were a village of a thousand people, it would consist of 520 females and 480 males, 330 children, 60 people above the age of 65, 10 college graduates and 335 illiterate adults...
The village would contain 52 North Americans, 55 Russians, 84 Latin Americans, 95 Eastern and Western Europeans, 124 Africans and 584 Asians...

Communication would be difficult because 165 people would speak Mandarin, 86 English, 83 Hindi/Urdu, 64 Spanish, 58 Russian and 37 Arabic while the rest would speak one of over 200 other languages...

There would be 329 Christians, 178 Muslims, 132 Hindus, 62 Buddhists, 3 Jews, 167 Non Religious, 45 Atheists and 84 others..."

(Kotler, Keller, Koshy and Jha)

Somethin' Stupid...

A promise to stand beside,
A promise to care and chide,
A promise to be together,
A promise to stay forever,
To sacrifice with a smile,
All your vice and vile,
A promise to wipe my tears,
To do so for years and years,
A promise to never go away,
Would you promise this today?
Make this vow to me, my beau,
A promise to never say adieu...

Saturday, 15 August 2009

One Less Heart At Peace...

I wiped the lone tear that tugged at my eye,
Stifling a sob, I knew, I mustn't cry,
But I was a fool for I strived in vain,
To dry my eyes, drenched in pain...

Glimpses of memories, long lost or dead,
Candid words, some heard, some said,
Promises made, but never meant to be kept,
I reminisced in sorrow, in sorrow i wept...

From pastel shaded smiles to agony so stark,
A moment of sunshine to an abyss of black,
The night trudged on but my tears rushed their pace,
And in my hour of grief, they were, but my solace...

How I longed for love to soothe my distress,
To sheathe me in cheer and settle for no less,
But the tears never ceased, no matter how I tried,
I'd lost in love, in defeat that night I cried...

Awaiting the respite of sleep,
I let my tears hush me by,
That night, slow and sweet,
My tears sang me a lullaby...