Some quotes from the most famous work of Truman Capote
The description of a harvested Wheat field:
"Then, with the dog running ahead of him, he moved southward toward the fields, lion-colored now, luminously golden with after-harvest stubble..."

Nancy Clutter
Nancy Clutter in her teacher, Mrs. Stringer's words:
"Nancy Clutter is always in a hurry, yet she always has time...And that, dear students, is one definition of a lady..."

The Clutters
Mrs Riggs to Nancy:
"Good. But why written in three styles of script?"
Nancy's reply:
"Because I'm not grown up enough to be one person with one kind of signature !"

Perry (Above) & Dick
Perry strumming his Gibson and singing for Otto, Dick and The Cowboy, aboard the Estrellita:
“In this world today while we’re living
Some folks say the worst of us they can,
But when we’re dead and in our caskets,
They always slip some lilies in our hand.
Won’t you give me flowers while I’m living…”
In Barbara's letter to Perry:
"There is no shame having a dirty face...The shame comes when you keep it dirty..."
"Am ready to climb those thirteen steps..."
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